Whale Cove Wonders
Specify the Inn at Whale Cove Cottages as part of your luxury, tailor-made holiday to Canada, and prepare for a whole new set of experiences.
Prime amongst them being the moment you see your first humpback whale erupting out of the ocean then crashing back into the depths. There are more whales, more often, in the waters around Grand Manan Island than anywhere else along the entire New Brunswick coast. In fact, if you take a whale watching trip and don’t see a whale then there is no charge. There are vast numbers of sea birds too, ranging from puffins and petrels to phalaropes and jeagers.
Even the accommodation offered by the Inn at Whale Cove Cottages is refreshingly different. Set at the end of a tree-lined lane, the inn was built in 1816 and retains its period charm, hand-hewn beams and Antique Shaker-style furniture. The cottages are similarly cozy and rustic.
Inn At Whale Cove Cottages
Inn at Whale Cove Cottages, at a glance
- A picturesque setting just half a mile from the village of North Head on Grand Manan Island
- Choice of three bedrooms in the inn and five cottages, one with an upstairs apartment
- Bedrooms all have en suite bathrooms and their own, private entrances
- Cottages range from two to four bedrooms and have a range of individual features like huge fireplaces, awesome views, blonde hardwood floors, a library or a Jacuzzi
- Delicious, home-cooked food served in a quaint dining room
For leisure and pleasure
- Explore Grand Manan Island with its three historic lighthouses
- Relax and stroll along deserted, sandy beaches
- The best whale-watching opportunities on the whole New Brunswick coastline
- Pelagic bird watching
- Machias Seal Island tours to see puffin, razorbill auk and Arctic tern
- High seas kayaking
- Heritage trails, walking paths and island cycling trips
- Islands crafts and local skills appreciation
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